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Syllabus and Tentative Lecture Schedule
Module 1: Electrical Circuit Theory
1. What is Electrical Engineering? Basic Electrical Engineering Elements (Resistor, Inductor, Capacitor) - Recap
2. Network and Circuit. Current division rule, Voltage division rule and effective resistance of series and parallel networks. Kirchoff's Laws : Kirchoff's Voltage Law, Kirchoff's Current Law - Recap
3. Independent and Dependent Sources : Voltage and Current Sources, VCVS, CCVS, VCCS, CCCS.
4. Network Analysis : Star-Delta Transformation, Mesh Analysis, Node Analysis, Supernode Analysis.
5. & 6. One Port Network Theorems : Superposition Theorem, Thevenin's Theorem, Norton's Theorem, Maximum power Transfer Theorem.
7. & 8. Transient Analysis : Behaviour of RL, RC, RLC circuits with a DC source.
9. AC Circuits : Some definitions - Amplitude, Phase, Phase difference, RMS value and Average value of a AC signal.
11. Behaviour of R-L-C components with an AC source. Phasor diagrams.
12. Active and Reactive Power. Series and Parallel Resonance.
13. Steady State Analysis of AC circuits
14. Mesh and Nodal Analysis, Max. Power Transfer in AC Circuits, Coupled Circuits : Mutual Inductance
Module 2: Devices and Electronics
15. Semiconductors
16. Semiconductor Doping and the pn junction diode
17. The ideal diode and its characteristics
18. Diode applications : Rectifier - HWR , FWR, Clipping and Clamping Circuits
19. & 20. The Bipolar Junction Transistor (BJT) : pnp and npn transistors
21. & 22. BJT characteristics, Usage as amplifier (brief)
23. Differential Amplifier; Operational Amplifier - Notation and equivalent circuit.
24. OpAmp Characteristics : OL gain, input impedence, output impedence, input offset voltage, CMRR and PSRR
25. & 26. OpAmp Circuits : Differential, summing, Inverting and non-inverting, Integrator, differentiator and comparator, Instrumentation Amplifier
27. Boolean Algebra : Standard forms of Boolean Functions
28. Simplification of Boolean Functions : Karnaugh Map
Module 3: Three-Phase Circuits and Magnetic Circuits
29. 3 Phase AC Circuits : Advantages, Definitions - Phase/Line-Voltage/Current.
30. Interconnections - Star, Delta. I, V and P in balanced Star and Delta connected loads, Star-Delta and Delta-Star Conversion
31. Magnetic fields and flux; Magnetic Circuits
32. Magnetization Curves: Hysteresis, Electromagnetic Induction and Magnetic Coupling
33. & 34. Transformers: Ideal Transformer; B-H Loop, Equivalent Circuit
35. & 36. Non-ideal Transformer : Equivalent Circuit; OC & SC Tests
Module 4: Rotating Machines
37. Machines : Electro-mechanical energy conversion, production of EMF and Force
38. DC Generators
39. DC Motor : Field excitation; series, shunt and compound field motors
40. & 41. Alternators and Synchronous Machines
42. Rotating Stator field; Induction Motor